Charge to the Team

Charge to Internationalization Leadership Team

The efforts of this committee are central to the development of a robust vision and plan that will be implemented to give UMD a presence in the International Education community. The goal of this work is to provide every UMD student, staff member, and faculty member the tools needed to become a global citizen who understands the role of cultural inclusivity in all they do. We must also further our education from awareness and acceptance along with a journey toward the development of true intercultural competence. We must also play a role in educating students from across the world at UMD and in working with academic institutions from a variety of cultures. We have some very unique qualities and world-class opportunities to offer students from all cultures.

The charge of the committee is to:

  1. Take the leadership role in the ACE review process, including engaging in a review of current internationalization efforts with the goal of:
    1. Sharpening institutional goals
    2. Sharpening student learning goals
    3. Developing an action plan
  2. Work closely with the UMD community through the review process and in the development of goals and plans
  3. Recommend a structure for international activities including:
    1. Admissions and recruitment
    2. Visa, I-9, and other document related items
    3. Curriculum
    4. Study abroad
    5. Potential standing committee(s)
    6. International visits
    7. International agreements and MOUs
    8. Support of international students and visiting scholars
    9. Fulbright programs
    10. ESL courses
    11. Any other items in the current or envisioned activities at UMD that have an international component
    12. The proposed structure may include a centralized office or unit and/or a plan for incorporating the international focus into existing structures.
  4. Suggest ways to engage the broader campus community as we move forward; include a summary of potential obstacles including campus climate-related items.

This exciting initiative will form the basis of a long-term plan for international activities at UMD.