Working Groups

UMD Rockstar students high-fiving

Eight working groups developed a vision, goals, and action steps related to specific aspects of internationalization. Working groups were composed of one or two ILT members (in parentheses) and relevant other campus members who addressed specific topics related internationalization and UMD campus goals:

  • Education abroad (Leigh Neys, Jennifer Webb)
  • Undergraduate curriculum, co-curriculum, and living/learning (Cindy Christian, Penny Morton)
  • International students (Trisha O’Keefe, Chris Haidos)
  • Diversity and intercultural competence (Paula Pedersen, Susana Pelayo-Woodward)
  • Graduate education (Tim Holst, Rajiv Vaidyanathan)
  • Research, scholarship, and creative activity (Kim Riordan, Tim Holst)
  • Global engagement (Bill Payne, Mike Mullins)
  • Infrastructure; technologies; and information, human and financial resources to support internationalization (Susana Pelayo-Woodward, Kim Riordan)

The activities and timeline for each working group is as follows:

  • Each working group developed a vision for its topic area to be achieved by 2020
    • Identifed possible futures with respect to topic area
    • Generated a preferable future within the parameters of the internationalization review
    • Communicated their vision in the form of a scenario or another
      appropriate means by October 25, 2013.
  • Each group developed 1-3 goals that could be achieved in 3-5 years or less and would move the campus toward achieving the 2020 area and international vision. Goals were completed by November 8, 2013.
  • Each group identifed several action steps for each goal that could be achieved in 1-2 years and would move the campus toward achieving each goal.