Process & Timeline

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Process and Timeline

The Internationalization Leadership Team (ILT) 

  1. Conducted a review of current international activities at UMD
  2. Identified campus goals and student learning outcomes related to internationalization
  3. Developed a systematic plan for comprehensive internationalization at UMD.

Links below provide a more thorough description of each of these three steps.

The first task the ILT undertook was to define internationalization for the purpose of this initiative. The following definition was approved at the September 24, 2012, meeting of the team: "Internationalization is the process of integrating international and intercultural dimensions into the teaching and learning, research, and global engagement functions of the UMD community."

The internationalization review commenced in October 2013 and continued through May 2013. A draft report was completed in July 2013, and a final report was completed in September 2013.

Campus goals for internationalization and student learning outcomes were finalized during fall semester 2013. Eight working groups developed a vision, mission, goals, and action steps related to specific aspects of internationalization during fall semester 2013, serving as a basis for campus goals and related action steps.

The ILT developed a systematic plan for comprehensive internationalization at UMD fall semester 2013. A draft report was completed in January 2014.

A three-person external review team visited campus February 11-12, 2014. Based on feedback from the review team and the UMD campus community, a final plan for comprehensive internationalization was provided in February 2014.